At Strive Dental, it’s our duty and responsibility to inform our Surrey patients when it’s time to remove a wisdom tooth or teeth.
Newcomers to Strive Dental often ask, “why do so many patients in Surrey trust us with their wisdom tooth extractions?”
It’s because of our outstanding record of making people feel happier, healthier, and more comfortable with their teeth. It’s also likely due to our extensive portfolio of quality dental work and positive patient testimonials.
Wisdom teeth eventually need to be removed due to the pain and unfavored alterations of the structure of the mouth. At Strive Dental, your dentist makes sure your oral health is a top priority and that, when you leave, you are no longer in pain or discomfort.
The friendly and professional staff at Strive Dental take the time to learn about you and your dental health history in order to provide you with the best possible oral health care.
The wisdom are the very last teeth to emerge into the mouth from the gums.
Adults will typically grow 32 permanent teeth and about four wisdom teeth in their lifetimes. Some people grow more than four (often between five and ten) while others grow less than four and may, in fact, not grow any wisdom teeth at all.
It has been reported that about 90% of people ages 17-25 have at least one impacted wisdom tooth.
When a wisdom tooth is considered “impacted” it means the tooth is growing against another tooth, usually the second molar, and cannot erupt into the gums.
If the wisdom teeth are impacted and embedded in the bone, your dentist may make an incision into the gums and take out the teeth in sections in order to minimize the amount of bone being removed.
The three different types of impactions are as follows: soft tissue impaction, partial bony impaction, and complete bony impaction.
The three different types of impactions are as follows: soft tissue impaction, partial bony impaction, and complete bony impaction.
With a soft tissue impaction there isn’t enough space in the mouth for the tooth to grow in while still being able to maintain the oral health of the patient. Generally, in the x-ray we can see the tooth coming straight up and out from the gums.
The second type of Impaction is known as a partial bony impaction.
With this impaction there is enough space for the tooth to grow in but still not enough room to maintain proper oral hygiene, i.e. brush your teeth.
When looking at an x-ray from a partial bony impaction we can see the tooth coming up out of the gum on an angle so that its grows into another tooth.
A complete bony impaction occurs when there is no space for the tooth to grow in and is seen on the x-ray as coming in sideways.
This impaction is more difficult to remove and requires a more complex surgery.
In all three cases your dentist will create an incision in the gums to expose the tooth and either the mandible (lower jawbone) or the maxilla (upper jawbone) depending on the location of the tooth.
This is to make it possible to divide the tooth and extract the pieces. Your dentist, before any of this takes place, will put you under either local or general anesthetic or IV sedation.
There are three primary types of anesthetic used to sedate a patient before a surgery.
With a local anesthetic, your dentist will either give you an injection of novocaine into your gums or have you breath in nitrous oxide (laughing gas) which offers a temporary yet potent form of pain relief. Local anesthetic is often used in combination with other more potent sedatives.
With a general anesthetic, your dentist will likely administer the sedative as an intravenous injection or as a gas.
This sedative brings on a reversible deep sleep, during which you are unable to feel the pain of the surgery.
Some of the advantages of general anesthetic are that it reduces both patient awareness during the surgery as well as their recall after the surgery.
It allows for proper muscle relaxation over an extended period of time and helps control the patient’s breathing, airway, and circulation.
Your dentist may also use intravenous injections or gases to induce a twilight sleep.
While under this form of sedation, you will still technically be awake. This allows you to hear and react to requests from the dentist.
You may experience partial or complete memory loss from the time the anesthetic first kicks in until the time it wears off.
Strive Dental has been helping Surrey residents feel good about their smiles through wisdom teeth removal for years. For wisdom tooth extraction in Surrey, call us today!
You can reach the staff at Strive Dental over the phone at 604.990.2730 or request an appointment online.
Having wisdom teeth pulled does not hurt. This is because you are put under an anesthetic that numbs you of pain and puts you to sleep. You may feel pain and discomfort afterwards, but this can easily be combated with a painkiller your dentist prescribes to you.
While you’ll probably be the first one to know, you may want to ask a dentist when to extract your wisdom teeth. Reasons you may want to pull wisdom teeth are; the pain they’re causing from being impacted, they might be infecting your gums, or the pressure is starting to shift your teeth.